Add Leave
Standard Leave
Standard leave is used to manually add entries for standard types of leave, which bypasses the approval process. The available leave types are: Admin, Annual, FMLA Paid, Jury Duty, Military, Personal, Sick, and Travel.
- From the left navigation menu, select [ Leave ].
- On the top of the page, select the ‘Add’ tab.
- Directly beneath the tabs, select the ‘Standard Leave’ option.
- Select staffer that you want to add leave for.
- Add the information for the entry in the fields provided. Note: All fields with a red asterisk [ * ] are required.
- Select the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page when complete. The ‘Submit’ button will not be enabled until all required fields are populated with valid data.
You can confirm the changes that have been been made by going to the ‘Overview’ tab. You can see the additional 5 days added under the ‘Used’ column. In the table below, you can see a list of individual leave entries for the staffer.
Carryover Leave
Carryover For Individual Staff
Carryover leave is used to add or subtract leave days from a staffer’s overall leave balance. Typically, carryover leave is utilized to carry leave over from year to year. The leave types that can be added are: Annual (BEGAL), Sick (BEGSL), and Personal (BEGPL).
- From the left navigation menu, select [ Leave ].
- On the top of the page, select the ‘Add’ tab.
- Directly beneath the tabs, select the ‘Carryover Leave’ option.
- Select staffer that you want to add leave for.
- Add the information for the entry in the fields provided. Note: All fields with a red asterisk [*] are required.
Leave Type – available options for carryover leave are ‘Carryover Leave (Annual), Carryover Leave (Sick), and Carryover Leave (Personal)
Date of Leave – Enter a date that is within the calendar year that you want the leave to be available (i.e. 1/1/2025).
Hours – The number of hours to carry over.
Additional Notes – A description of the carryover leave entry (i.e. Annual leave carried over from previous year). - Select the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page when complete.
Carryover All Current Staff
There is a feature that allows leave administrators to run the carryover function for all current staff. to use this feature:
- Click on the ‘Calculate Carryover’ icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Select the year to receive the carryover leave, leave policy, and type of leave to carry over.
- Click the ‘Calculate Carryover’ button. Note: When the calculations have been completed, a notification message will appear.
- The carryover function needs to be run once for each type of leave to be carried over (annual, sick, personal).
The carryover leave totals display in the second column in the leave table (Carryover Leave) in the ‘Overview’ tab. The entry for the carryover leave is displayed in the ‘Leave Details’ list. The carryover entries are listed as ‘BEGAL’, ‘BEGSL’, and ‘BEGPL’.
Adjusted Leave
Adjusted leave is used to add (or subtract) leave from a staffer’s overall balance. Typically, adjusted leave is utilized as compensatory time that a staffer has earned by working beyond standard work hours.
- From the left navigation menu, select [Leave].
- From the top of the page, select the ‘Add’ tab.
- Select the ‘Adjusted Leave’ option at the top of the page (above title).
- Select name of the staffer that you want to add the adjusted leave entry for.
- Add the details of the entry:
a. Type of leave – The options are ‘Adjusted Annual Leave’, ‘Adjusted Sick Leave’, or ‘Adjusted Personal Leave’)
b. Date – Typically this is the date that the staffer is being compensated for (i.e. the day that they works additional time).
c. Hours – The number of additional hours to be added to the staffers balance (to subtract hours, enter a negative value).
d. Notes – Information related to the reason for the entry, which is helpful for future reference. - Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.
Entries can be reviewed and confirmed from the leave ‘Overview’ tab. The total amount of adjusted leave appears in the ‘Additional Leave (ADJ)’ column. The details of the individual entry are displayed in the ‘Leave Details’ table.