Berman Database Systems

Carryover Leave

Things to know:

  • Do not run the carryover until ALL leave for the current year (2024) has been processed (submitted AND approved).  If you run prior to all leave being entered, the calculations will be inaccurate. (Typically, the carryover is run after the first of the year, once all leave for the 2024 has been entered and processed.)
  • Carryover leave can be processed on any date.  There is no date too early or too late as long as all leave for the year has been entered and processed/approved.
  • The carryover leave policy (i.e. the maximum number of days allowed to carry over) was set up when HOPS was configured for your office. If the carryover limits need to be updated/changed, please let us know and we will adjust for you.
  • When the carryover leave is processed, a corresponding carryover record will be created for each current staffer. (BEGAL, BEGSL, BEGPL)
  • IF for any reason you need to process the carryover a second time, there is no need to delete the previously created carryover records, the application will update the existing record with the new totals.



Individual Staff

Follow the steps below to run the carryover function for individual staff by creating one entry at a time for each staffer: (You only need to create records individually if your office policy allows for carryover of different amounts for each staff member, otherwise run carryover for All Staff below)

  1. Click  ‘Leave’ on the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the ‘Add’ tab
  3. Select the ‘Carryover Leave’ option at the top section of the page.
  4. Select the name, carryover leave type, date (2025), # of hours of carryover leave, and note for the entry.
  5. Click ‘Submit’ to create the record.

The carryover leave records will be listed in the individual leave entries for each staffer (I.e. BEGAL – Annual Leave,  BEGSL – Sick Leave,  BEGPL – Personal Leave)



All Staff

Follow the steps below to run the carryover function for ALL staff which will create a record for all current staff:

NOTE: The carryover leave policy (i.e. the maximum number of days allowed to carry over) was configured based on your leave policy provided.

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from above.
  2. Click the ‘Calculate Carryover’ option in the lower right corner of the screen. (This will open a carryover leave pop-up window)
  3. Select the year to receive the carryover (2025), leave policy, and type of leave to carry over.
  4. Select the ‘Leave Policy’ that you want to run the carryover leave for.  Select ‘All’ unless your office has multiple leave policies to choose from (i.e. Member Staff, Interns).
  5. Choose the ‘Leave Type’ that you want to run the calculation for. The carryover function needs to be run for each type of leave to be carried over (Annual, Sick, Personal).
  6. Click the ‘Calculate Carryover’ button.  (When the calculations have been completed, a notification message will appear)         

A record for the selected leave type will be created for each current staffer.

Additionally, instructions are now included in the application.  You can access by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right portion of the screen.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us to review if needed.  We are always happy to assist.  We can walk through the process with you if you’d like.