Berman Database Systems

Staff Listing – Customize Display

Administrative users can customize the information that is displayed on the staff page. This allows for the presentation of information that best suits the needs of your office.

To manage the display settings, go to [Utilities -> System Settings -> Global Settings -> Staff Settings (selection)] from the left navigation menu.

Each tile that is listed represents the information that can be displayed on the staff listing page. 
If a tile has been selected, the color of the tile is blue.  If a tile is not selected, the tile color is light grey.  A maximum of 7 tiles can be selected.

  • Location – displays the office that the staffer works from (i.e. Washington, DC or District Office).
  • Department – displays the organizational department that the staffer is assigned to (i.e. Admin, Legislative, Press).
  • Email Address – displays the staffers ‘Default Display’ email address *
  • Work Phone – displays the staffers direct work phone number
  • Personal Phone – displays the staffers ‘Default Display’ phone number *
  • Room Number – displays the office room number for the staffer
  • Intercom – displays the intercom for the staffer
  • Work Status – displays the work status of the staffer for the current day (In Office, On Leave, or Telework)
  • Birthday – displays the staffers birthday (Month and Day only)

* The ‘Default Display‘ phone number and email address are managed on the ‘Personal’ tab of the staff page for each staffer.

The tiles can be dragged and dropped to change the desired display order on the staff page.


The staff names and titles are fixed and cannot be changed.  Other columns of information are modifiable (the information that is displayed, and the order of the columns).