Berman Database Systems


The timesheet module allows staff to enter their work hours and submit timesheets for review. It also allows supervisors to review timesheets, ensuring accurate record-keeping and compliance with organizational policies.

Prior to staff being able to submit a timesheet, their assigned role needs to have access to the timesheet module, and the user needs to be assigned to a timesheet approval workflow group. 

  1. The role must be granted access to view and submit timesheets. The Permission Management page provides additional guidance on configuring role permissions.
  2. In order for a user to submit a timesheet, they must first be assigned to a timesheet workflow group. To learn how to assign staffers to those timesheet workflow groups, refer to our Manage Timesheet Groups page. 


Submit Timesheet

The following steps outline how staff can submit a timesheet:

Step 1: Select the week for the timesheet.
Step 2: Enter the number of hours worked in the ‘Work’ row for each day.
Step 3: View the totals for the week displayed in the ‘Totals’ column on the right.
Step 4: If preferred, save your timesheet progress throughout the week to track hours day by day.
Step 5: Once all hours are input, click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page to finalize your submission.

After the timesheet has been submitted, the staff member will see the submission status updated in the top right corner of the page. The submission status section includes:

‘Submit Status’ – displays the current submission status of that timesheet. The default status is empty/blank. The statuses are ‘Saved’,  ‘Submitted’, ‘Rejected’, or ‘Approved’. Once approved, the staffer will be able to see the approval date in the approval date field.
‘Submit Date’ – displays the date that the timesheet was submitted
‘Approval Date’ –  When the timesheet has been approved, the date of the final approval will be displayed.

Timesheet Breakdown

Timesheets will also reflect leave types. (i.e. If a staffer submits a leave request for sick leave, it will be reflected in the timesheet in the ‘sick’ row.) Rows besides the work row are not editable from the timesheets page. They will only be reflected after a request with the corresponding leave type has been submitted and approved. 

Per your office policy, certain types of leave are exempt from overtime calculations. HOPS facilitates this by visually distinguishing eligible leave types from others through the use of green-highlighted rows. 

The timesheet totals on the right side of the screen will reflect a timesheet total breakdown. 



An administrators role adds a few more privileges. Under the ‘Review’ tab at the top of the page, the reviewer can approve/reject leave requests. 

A list timesheets needing approval will be displayed in the middle of the page.

To approve/deny, click on the request you would like to review. A reviewer list will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

Select the action button at the bottom of the page that correlates with approving or denying the timesheet.

The staffer will be able to see that their timesheet has been approved by the approval status update at the top right.

Once the timesheet has been approved, the staffer can no longer make changes to the timesheet. 


Administrators Edit Timesheets

The ‘Manage’ tab at the top of the page allows the reviewer to edit timesheets that have already been submitted. To manage timesheets, select name of the staffer you would like to edit under the ‘staff name’ field. 

Next, select week ending date of timesheet. 

Edit times as needed in the work row. You will not be able to edit other rows. You will need to submit leave to the corresponding leave type. HOPS will automatically fill those rows out when submitted.

Click on the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page to save all changes that have been made. 



Reviewing Timesheets

Navigate to the ‘Timesheet’ function from the left navigation menu, you will notice a second tab at the top right of the page labeled ‘Review’.  From here, the reviewer can review submitted timesheets that fall within their approval hierarchy. This page includes functions such as:

  • Filters facilitate the sorting of timesheets for review. Submitted timesheets can be filtered by group, date ranges, and submission status. The drop-down lists in the fields list the filter options.
  • The table displays all timesheets based on the filter statuses that have been selected.
  • The reviewer status list on the right side of the screen displays the approval chain for the selected timesheet. The name in red text indicates the person currently required to take action on the submission.
  • Reviewer comments can be added by selecting the [+] icon.
  • The timesheet totals provide a breakdown of the staffer’s worked hours, including all credited hours, hours qualifying for overtime, standard workweek hours, and any overtime hours to be accredited to the staffer.
  • The Timesheet that the staffer submitted will be displayed. 
  • The action buttons at the bottom of the timesheet allow the reviewer to approve or reject the submitted timesheet.



Managing Timesheets

Navigate to the ‘Timesheet’ function from the left navigation menu, you will notice a second tab at the top right of the page labeled ‘Manage’.  From here, the timesheet administrator will be able to edit approved submissions. This page includes functions such as:

  • Filters include the staffers name, the year of the timesheet submission, and the ending date of the submission week. The only way to navigate to the desired timesheet is through these filters.
  • Submission status of the timesheets can be seen at the top right of the screen along with the submission date and the approval date. These fields will be blank if the staffer has not taken any action on the timesheet. 
  • Reviewer comments will be displayed in the ‘Reviewer comment’ box. They cannot be edited.
  • The timesheet totals provide a breakdown of the staffer’s worked hours, including all credited hours, hours qualifying for overtime, standard workweek hours, and any overtime hours to be accredited to the staffer.
  • The Timesheet that the staffer submitted will be displayed. The the work row of the timesheet is able to be edited by the timesheet administrator. 
  • The action buttons at the bottom of the page allow the timesheet manager to save the changes that have been made to the timesheet or delete it all together. Deleting the the timesheet will permanently delete the timesheet data for the selected week.

To manage a timesheet, select the desired timesheet by using the filters at the top of the page. Select the staffers name, the year of the timesheet, and end date of the timesheet submission.

Once selected, the associated timesheet will appear.

The timesheet administrator has the option to edit the ‘work’ row on the timesheet. 

Once completed, do not forget to select the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page to save all changes made to the timesheet. The other action button allows the timesheet administrator to delete the timesheet all together. 



Role Permissions

Permissions are needed for configuring access for specific roles in HOPS. Configuring permissions for different roles in HOPS ensures that users have appropriate access based on their responsibilities. Permissions needed for configuring access can be found on the Permissions Management page.