Berman Database Systems


This feature enables users to track inventory effectively. Users can add, categorize, assign, manage, and review equipment history. All the features for the inventory function are accessible by selecting [Inventory] from the left navigation menu.


The category section enables offices to organize equipment into specific categories, making it easier to navigate and locate items efficiently. Users have the ability to customize categories that best suit their office’s inventory needs.

To navigate to this feature, select [Categories] from the left navigation menu. 


Add New Category

To add a new category: 

  1. Click the ‘Add New’ button and enter the desired category name in the ‘Category Name’ field (e.g., desktop, laptop). In the ‘Description’ field, provide a general description of the category (e.g., office desktop computer, office laptop).
  2. Click on the ‘Add’ button when you are finished. The category will then be added to the list of categories displayed at the bottom of the page.


Update Category

To update a category:

  1. Select the category you would like to update from the category list. Updates can include any modification to the name or description of an already existing category.
  2. Make edits in either the ‘Category Name’ field or the ‘Description’ field.
  3. Click on the ‘Update’ button when all changes have been made.


Delete Category

To delete a category:

  1. Select the category you want to delete
  2. Click on ‘Delete’ on the very right side of the header.
  3. An alert message will populate asking you to confirm that you want to delete the record. Once confirmed, The category will then be removed to the list of categories displayed at the bottom of the page. 


Manage Equipment

The ‘Manage Equipment’ section provides administrators with the ability to track detailed information about their equipment, including status updates, categorization, and maintenance history. This feature helps offices maintain an up-to-date inventory, ensuring accurate records of their assets. Additionally, if an administrator submits their equipment inventory list, HOPS support can upload and organize it on their behalf, streamlining the setup process for all new offices. 

To navigate to this feature, select [Manage Equipment] from the left navigation menu. 


Add New Equipment

This function allows administrators to manually enter new equipment into their office’s inventory system. 

To add a new piece of equipment: 

  1. Click on the ‘Add New’ button on the top 
  2. Once selected, the fields to be filled are:
    • Category – a classification used to group similar types of items or equipment under a specific label.
    • Item Name – a unique label assigned to a specific piece of equipment or asset within an inventory system
    • Make –  refers to the manufacturer or brand of a particular item or piece of equipment
    • Model – refers to the specific version or design of an item or piece of equipment produced by a manufacturer.
    • Serial Number – a unique identifier assigned to an individual item or piece of equipment by the manufacturer.
    • Inventory Number – a unique identifier assigned to an item within an organization’s inventory management system. Status – 
    • Location – the physical or designated place where an item or piece of equipment is stored or assigned. 
    • Additional Description –  provides extra details or context about an item that goes beyond its basic information, such as the name, make, or model. This section may include specific notes on the item’s condition, usage history, features, or any relevant instructions. 
    • Assignable toggle – refers to items within an inventory that can be allocated to specific individuals or departments within an organization. When toggle is green, the equipment item is marked as ‘Assignable’. When the toggle is grey, it is labeled as ‘Unassignable’. Unassignable equipment refers to office assets that are shared or used collectively, without being assigned to a particular individual. These items are usually printers, scanners, or conference room projectors, are typically available for general office use. 

a. Administrators can further organize the inventory display by applying filters located above the inventory list. The first filter allows sorting by category, such as assignable equipment, office assets, or all items within the inventory.

b. The next filter located at the top of the equipment list allows the administrator to filter the inventory list based on status. The status would either be active, lost, replaced, returned, or even stolen. 


Equipment Assignments

Administrators can assign equipment to various staff members. This not only streamlines the equipment allocation process, but also enhances the ability to track the location of important assets. 

This feature can be accessed by selecting [Equipment Assignments] in the left navigation menu. 


Assigning  Equipment 

Under ‘Category Details’, information including the category name, the total number of items in that category, the number of items assigned to staff, and the number available can be found. This section is also where you can assign equipment. If no items are available for assignment, the option will be greyed out and unavailable. 

  1. Select the category of equipment that you wish to assign. A list under ‘Item Details’ will populate. 
  2. Under ‘Item Details’, click on the piece of equipment you wish to assign. 
  3. Select the staff member you want to assign the equipment to.
  4. Click the ‘Assign’ button when complete. A pop up will ask you to specify the date that the item will be assigned. Click on the ‘Submit’ button once completed. 

You should see the staff members name along with the equipment details populate on the ‘Assignment Details’ list located on the right side of the screen. 


Return Equipment

Upon termination or reassignment, an office may require staff to return any assigned equipment.

  1. In the ‘Assignment Details’ list, find the staff member whose equipment you wish to retrieve. On the far right of the header, click the box with the arrow icon.
  2. Input the return date in the pop-up window.
  3. Click on the ‘Submit’ button when complete to submit changes.



Equipment History 

The equipment history page can be accessed by selecting [Inventory -> Equipment History] in the left navigation menu.

This feature enables you to track the complete lifecycle of each piece of equipment, including its current assignment, historical usage, and return status. It provides detailed information regarding the assignment history, including who the item is currently assigned to. 



Filtering a search helps administrators quickly locate specific items. There are multiple ways to apply filters to streamline the search process:

  1. Enter a keyword in the search box located at the top left corner of the page. As you begin typing, the list will automatically begin to narrow down the search.
  2. The category filter allows you to display equipment based on whether it is assignable to a staff member or classified as an office asset.
  3. The return status filter enables you to view currently assigned, returned, or all equipment.
  4. The status filter provides options to display equipment that is active, lost, replaced, returned, or stolen.

Edit Date Assigned

The ‘Date Assigned’ and ‘Date Returned’ are editable. Select the equipment from the history list and enter/modify the dates in the respective fields. This is useful in cases where dates may need to be corrected or updated to reflect changes in equipment utilization or return status.


Deleting Equipment History

Deleting equipment history allows the administrator to permanently remove all history records associated with a piece of equipment from the system, which can be useful for maintaining a clean and accurate database, especially when decommissioned or obsolete equipment is no longer needed for tracking or reporting purposes.

  1. Locate the equipment history of the staff member whose record you wish to delete.
  2. Click ‘Delete’ on the far right of the row.
  3. A confirmation prompt will appear, asking you to verify the deletion of the record. Click ‘Confirm’ to confirm choice. 

The record will be removed from the equipment history archives.