The process of submitting a telework request is dependent on the telework permissions. If a user is assigned to a telework group, requests will be submitted through the reviewer’s hierarchy for approval. If a staff member is not assigned to a telework group, they can freely add telework days to the calendar without needing approval.
Submit Telework Request
- From the left navigation menu, Select [Telework].
- Select/click the date to request. The selected date will be displayed above the staff listing.
3. Select the toggle next to your name. Once selected, a pop up window will appear allowing you to add a description along with a note for the telework request (both are optional). If you are teleworking less than a full day, select the ‘Partial Day’ toggle at the bottom right of the window. Once completed, click on the ‘Update’ button on the bottom left of the window to complete the request. To edit the details of this request at any time, click on the paper notebook icon located by the staffers name. (The letter ‘P’ on the staffers picture indicates a partial day telework request)
4. Once completed, the request will display on the calendar and appear dimmed, indicating it is currently pending approval. Additionally, the toggle will turn yellow to reflect the pending status of the request.
5. Once the request has been approved, the block will no longer be dimmed. The toggle will turn green, indicating that the request has been approved.
Note: Notifications of approval or denial of telework requests may be sent via email. This is a configuration option for each office.