Berman Database Systems

Telework Management

Below is an overview of telework management.  This feature is part of the HOPS subscription. All that needs to be done is configure the settings and notify staff of your expectations for utilization.

Dashboard widgets:

  • We have created a new widget that displays pending requests for Leave, Telework, and Timesheets.  This widget will only display for those users that are designated as reviewers.
  • We have updated the ‘Who’s Out’ widget by including staff that are teleworking for the current date.  Leave and telework are listed independently.


Telework Calendar:

  • We have simplified the user experience by creating a calendar that displays the staff that will be teleworking or have requested telework for approval.
  • There are multiple configuration options for entering and/or submitting telework.  Below is an example of a telework request that is pending and a telework entry that has been approved.



Telework approval groups:

  • The approval process for telework requests is more simplified than leave.  Only one person is required to approve any telework request.  Anyone can be designated as an ‘Approver’ of telework requests, however only one approval is required.
  • Multiple groups can created to organize the approval process for telework.  The groups designate which staff can approve the telework requests. 


Assign staff to Telework workflow group:

  • Staff are assigned to the telework workflow approval groups the same as they are for leave approval workflows


Set notifications for Telework requests:

  • The system can be configured to send notice of pending Telework requests that are awaiting approval.  This is managed in the Reminders Setup settings page.
  • The notification for pending requests can be configured to be sent once or twice daily for any days of the week selected.  These notifications can be sent to any/all staff that are designated as reviewers for telework requests.