Telework Restrictions
Manage restriction of dates for Teleworking
Administrative level users now have the ability to restrict specified dates that staff can choose from to telework. Restricting telework can be used for any number of reasons, including when your office needs to be fully staffed during legislative sessions or when the Member is working in the district.
Follow the steps below to manage the telework restrictions:
- Open the telework calendar.
- Select/Click a date on the calendar.
- Click the circle icon in the top left corner of the selected date.
By default, the date will be restricted to all staff. If you would like to modify the restrictions to specified staff, follow the steps below.
- Select the date to modify that you want to modify the restrictions for.
- Click the black gear icon in the upper left corner of the selected date. A window will appear that will allow you to modify which staff are restricted from selecting/requesting this date.
- There are 3 options for restricting which staff can select or request telework for the date.
Individual staff – This option allows you to select staff individually.
By Department – This option allows you to restrict access to staff that are assigned to specified departments (i.e. Leg Staff, Admin, Press, District staff)
By Duty Station – This option allows you to restrict access to staff by their duty station assignments.
You can remove the restrictions by selecting the date on the telework calendar and clicking the red circle in the upper left corner of the selected date.
System configuration option for Telework
You can configure how you would like to display dates that have been restricted to staff. There are 3 options:
- Display colored background only – This option displays a subdued red background color for dates that have been restricted.
- Display text only – This option displays a label ‘Unavailable’ for dates that have been restricted.
- Display color and text – This option displays both a subdued red background color and an ‘Unavailable’ label for restricted dates.
To modify the system settings, select [Utilities -> System Settings] from the left navigation menu.
Permissions for Telework management/administration
For a user to have access to the telework management, their assigned role must have the ‘Telework Administrator’ permission assigned.
Follow the steps below to assign the ‘Telework Administrator’ permission to a role.
- From the left navigation menu, select [Administrative -> Permission Management].
- Select from the list of roles, the ‘Role’ that you want to assign the ‘Telework Administrator’ permission to.
- Select/click ‘Telework’ from the list of permission options and select ‘Telework Administrator’, view and edit permissions.