Berman Database Systems

Global Settings

Global Settings 

The Global Settings allows administrative users to manage various configuration settings in HOPS.  Global Settings can be accessed by selecting [Utilities -> System Settings -> Global Settings (tab)] from the left navigation menu. 


Calendar Settings

The Calendar Settings feature allows administrators to customize the views of both the leave and telework calendars. 


Allows for the selection of how the calendar items will be displayed by color codes.  The options are:

  • Department – The calendar items will be color coded by department assignments of staff.  The color codes for departments can be modified by navigating to [Utilities -> Departments] from the left navigation menu.
  • Duty Station –  The calendar items will be color coded by duty station assignments of staff.  The color codes for duty stations can be modified by navigating to [Utilities -> Office Management] from the left navigation menu.
  • Individual –  The calendar items will be color coded for each individual staffer.  The color codes for staff can be modified by navigating to [Administrative -> Manage User Access] from the left navigation menu.

Color option for leave status:

Allows for the selection of the colors for calendar leave entries based on their statuses.  This allows users to more easily visually identify the entries. Selecting the color palette icon allows for color selection of  ‘Approved’, ‘Pending’, and ‘Requires my action’ statuses on the leave calendar.


A preview of your selected preference is displayed. 


Email Settings

The email settings are for administrative use only.  The configuration manages how email notifications are handled.  Please contact support before making any changes. 


Leave Settings 

The Leave Settings allows for customization of settings related to leave that suites the offices individual needs.  

Leave Type Settings:

Allows for configuration of selectable leave types, and the setting/configuration of the number of incremental hours for partial day leave entries (i.e. 2 hrs, 4 hrs).  Detailed instructions for managing these items can be found here.

General Settings:

The General Settings section offers customization options for managing leave permissions.

  • Allow reviewers to view leave totals for staff that they are assigned to approve – Allows reviewers to view the leave totals of staff that they approve from the leave ‘Overview’ page.
  • Display disabled leave types – Allows ‘Leave Administrators’ to view and select leave types that are restricted to other staff.  Accessible from the ‘Add’ leave tab.
  • Hide unused leave types from leave ‘Overview’ – If an office policy does not provide any of the following leave types (Annual, Sick, or Personal), those leave types will not display on the leave ‘Overview’ page.
  • Allow the approval of leave requests from the dashboard – Allows reviewers and administrators the ability to approve leave requests from the dashboard.  Additional details of the approval process can be found on the dashboard notifications page.

Telework Settings

Color Setup

This configuration setting identifies how dates that are marked as unavailable are displayed on the telework calendar.

  1. Text only – Displays “Unavailable” at the bottom of the calendar date that has been marked as unavailable to request telework
  2. Color only – The background color will display as red for the restricted date.
  3. Color and Text – The background color will display as red, and the text “Unavailable” will display at the bottom of the cell for the restricted date.

A preview will be displayed on the right side of the screen once you click on the toggle. 


General Settings:

  • Allow the approval of Telework requests from the dashboard – Allows telework approvers to approve telework requests from the dashboard notifications widget.
  • Send email when a Telework request is approved – When ‘Active’, HOPS will send an email to the requestor of telework notifying them that the request has been approved.


Timesheet Settings

General Settings:

  • Allow the approval of timesheets from the dashboard – Allows timesheet reviewers and timesheet administrators to approve timesheets from the dashboard notifications widget.


Staff Settings

This feature allows administrators to customize the information displayed on the staff list page. Each tile represents information that can be displayed on the staff information listing. Additional details can be viewed here.