Berman Database Systems

Manage User Access

Manage User Access

The Manage User Access screen allows administrative users to assign roles (permissions for access), assign to leave, timesheet, and telework group workflows for each staffer.

User permissions can be updated at any time by selecting [Administrative -> Manage User Access] from the left navigation menu.

From the ‘Employee Name’ dropdown*, select the staffer whose user profile you want to manage.

* Note: By default, the list will display current active staff.  User the ‘Employee status filter’ to view former staff. 


Employee Status Filter

The ‘Employee Status Filter’ allows users to filter the staff list based on employment status.  The filter options are ‘All’, ‘Active’, and ‘Former’.



The role assignment indicates what the user will have access to when they are logged in to HOPS. 
Click the ‘Role’ dropdown list to assign an access role to the selected staff member.

The permissions for each role can be viewed and managed from [Administrative -> Permission Management]. This will display the permissions for each role that has been selected, and allow for adjustments if needed.


Active Directory User Account

For authentication, each staffers HOPS profile is linked to their Active Directory (AD) user account. This means that users will use the same credentials for logging in to HOPS as they do for logging on to their computer. For convenience, there is a lookup/search feature allowing users to locate the AD user name for the staff.  To use the search feature to locate a staffers user name, click the magnifying glass icon located to the right of the ‘Active Directory User Account’ field.

Initially HOPS will attempt to search for the user account based on the first and last name of the staffer.  The search values can be updated as needed.
If the user name is known, it can be add to the ‘User Name’ field and searched for confirmation.


Timesheet Submission Group Assigned 

The ‘Timesheet Submission Group Assigned’ field allows for the assignment of a timesheet submission workflow for approval. The approval workflows (who reviews the timesheets) are managed from the [Administrative -> Timesheet Groups] screen.

Leave Submission Group Assigned 

The ‘Leave Submission Group Assigned’ field allows for the assignment of a leave submission workflow for approval. The approval workflows (who reviews the leave requests) are managed from the [Administrative -> Leave Groups] screen.

Telework Approval Group Assigned

The ‘Telework Approval Group Assigned’ field allows for the assignment of a telework approval group. The approval groups (who can approve telework requests) are managed from the [Administrative -> Telework Groups] screen.


Email Selected User

Click the email icon to initiate.  This feature allows admins to email an introductory message to the selected staff member.  A preview of the message will be displayed and can be modified prior to sending.  

Note: The default email template can be modified at any time by selecting [Utilities -> System Settings -> User Notification (tab)] from the left navigation menu.