Berman Database Systems

Staff Listing

Staff Access

The staff listing page provides a comprehensive overview of individual staff information. It is a quick reference that can be utilized to locate personnel related information for each staffer. This page can be accessed by selecting [Staff] from the left navigation menu.


Administrative Access

User roles that have been assigned view and/or edit access to individual staff profiles can view the details of selected staff. Staff details can be viewed by selecting/clicking on a staff member in the list.  When selected, the details of the selected staff will appear.  The role permissions (Permission Management) determine which details tabs are available (Personal, Job Details, Notes, Emergency, Medical, Equipment).



The ‘Personal’ tab displays an overview of the staff member’s basic information. This includes:

Basic Information:

  • Name (First, Middle, Last) – The staff member’s given name. Used for official documentation (Payroll, etc.).
  • Preferred Name – The staffers preferred first name. Displays throughout the application.
  • Date of Birth – Only displays month/day on reports.
  • Social Security Number – used for identification and verification purposes when on-boarding new staff.
  • Email Address – Displays all email addresses associated with the staffer. The ‘Default (D)’ icon identifies which email address will be displayed on the staff list, if more than one exists. Additional email addresses can be added by clicking the ‘+‘ icon.  (Note: Only official House email addresses are utilized for work-related communications and notifications)
  • Phone Number – Displays all phone numbers associated with the staffer. The ‘Default (D)’ icon identifies which phone number will be displayed on the staff list, if more than one exists. Additional phone numbers can be added by clicking the ‘+‘ icon. 

Home Contact Details:

  • Address – Lists the staffers home address.  Additionally, the Library of Congress (LOC) account number can be added if it is available. 

When done updating/modifying staff details, click the ‘Save Details’ button.



Job Details

The ‘Job Details’ tab includes detailed information related to the staffers employment. This includes:

  • Title – Displays the staffers current job title or position. (Note: If the office is utilizing the payroll module, the title field will be disabled and can only be changed/updated from the ‘Finance -> Payroll’ page)
  • Department – Indicates what department within the office organizational structure that the staffer belongs to.
  • Duty station – This indicates the primary location where the staff member is assigned to work from.
  • Office Phone – This field contains the staff member’s direct office phone number.
  • Intercom Number – The staffers intercom number.
  • Room – The room or office where the staff member works.
  • Start Date – The date that the staffer started their employment with the office.
  • End Date – The date that the staff member’s employment ends. Once the end date has passed, the staffer will officially be terminated from the system and will be listed as ‘Former’ staff.
  • Amount of Credited Service – The current amount of service that the staffer is credited for.  (Note: The amount of credited service is dynamic and increases daily)
  • Employee ID – The staffers House employee ID.
  • Healthcare Plan – The staff member’s enrolled healthcare plan.

Additionally, part-time schedules can be added to the staff member’s profile. This feature is used to track part-time employees and ensure that their leave accrual is being calculated accurately.



The ‘Notes’ tab is used to manage information related to the selected staffer. In addition to written notes, associated files can be attachedThis feature supports a range of entries, helping keep all necessary details organized and easily accessible.

  • Date – Specifies the date associated with the entry. This can be the date that the note is created, or the relevant date associated with the note.
  • Summary – Title of the note for a quick reference to its content.
  • Details – Detailed description of the note, including all relevant information.
  • File Upload – Allows for attachment of relevant documents related to the note, such as forms and medical notes. To upload files, click the ‘Browse’ button to locate the file. Files can also be dragged and dropped into the ‘Upload Files’ section. (Note: The maximum file size for attachments is 250kb)




The ‘Emergency’ tab allows for management of emergency contact information for the selected staffer.  There is no limit to the number of emergency contacts that can be added to each profile.  Each emergency contact is displayed as a tile above the form.  The details are displayed below the selected emergency contact tile.

  • Name – This field captures the full name of the individual being added as an emergency contact or personal reference.
  • Contact Level – This specifies the priority or urgency in which the contact should be notified in case of an emergency.  (Note: The ‘Primary’ contact tile will be include an indicator (star) that identifies the contact as the primary in case of emergency) 
  • Relationship – This describes the relationship between the staff member and the contact, such as family member, friend, or colleague.
  • Address – This field contains the physical address of the contact, which may be needed for emergency or administrative purposes.
  • Email Address – This field records the emergency contact’s email address, allowing for electronic communication if necessary during an emergency or for follow-up purposes.
  • Primary Number – This captures the emergency contact’s main phone number, which will be used for immediate communication in the event of an emergency involving the staff member.



The ‘Medical’ tab allows for managing information regarding serious medical conditions that a staff member may have. This feature ensures that critical health information is readily accessible, facilitating appropriate care and response in medical situations. (Note: The information is optional and should only be made available/accessible to authorized staff, i.e. COS, Emergency Coordinator)

Details to provide include:

  • Name – The name of the medical condition.
  • Note – Comprehensive information about the condition and any necessary response instructions.



The ‘Equipment’ tab displays equipment assigned to the selected staffer. Selecting an assigned item from the list displays the details below the list.

The equipment return date can be added/updated from this page.  Equipment inventory and assignments can be managed by selecting [Inventory] from the left navigation menu 

The filter located at the top right of the page modifies the equipment history display, allowing users to view:

  • Currently Assigned – This includes all items that are presently allocated to the staff member.
  • Returned – Displays all items that were previously assigned to the staffer, and have been returned.
  • All Equipment – Displays all equipment currently assigned and equipment returned by the staff member.